Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm on my way to the court tomorrow

Tomorrow Anwar will go to court. The court will read his charges and he will plead not guilty. Court will fix a hearing date, anwar will be free and run for parliament. If he wins, he will still pursue with the case to show that he is transparent (if he close the case, people will say he is corrupt). I think he very much wants the case to go on to show the world that who are involved in the conspiracy to topple him.

but there's one thing i'm afraid of, knowing the power are in their hands, they can do wonders to ensure that Anwar will not regain his power and correct the wrong doing of corrupt office bearers.

my two cents.

1 comment:

Yanny Lee said...

sumtimes GOD will turn everythin' day, we'll noe da truth..officially..coz we oredi noe da truth..^o^